That’s right, darlings! It’s finally here–the next installment to the Black Parade series, The Deadly Seven–a short story collection that takes place in medias res of The Black Parade, between book two and book three. Take a gander.

Michael O’Brien. 24. New Yorker. Musician. Archangel in charge of Heaven’s army.
It’s been centuries since Michael stayed on Earth for an extended amount of time. Now he’s here because of Jordan Amador–a Seer who helped him restore hisĀ life and memories and thwart the archdemon Belial from taking over the city. With Jordan on Belial’s hit list, Michael decides to stick around and live out life alongside her as her friend and temporary bodyguard. But, as the days pass, he finds it harder to resist the seven deadly sins that tempt all men. Especially as he and Jordan grow closer fighting the demons that want her almost as much as he does…
This short story collection is set for release May 9th, 2014. You can add it to your own To Be Read bookshelf here, and in two days, I’ll post a link to the book giveaway that will run from now until the release day. You can also subscribe to the mailing list to read the first chapter for free.
And don’t worry–She Who Fights Monsters, the sequel to The Black Parade, is still on its way, and set for release July 22, 2014. Keep your eyes peeled to see an all-new excerpt in the back of The Deadly Seven. It’s gonna be a blast.
Additionally, The Black Parade is going to have its price dropped down to .99 cents on May 9th, and then become a free novel when She Who Fights Monsters is out. Just trying to sweeten the deal ’cause your Auntie Kyo loves you that much. See you soon!
UPDATE: The Deadly Seven’s giveaway is now LIVE! Enter to win a free signed paperback copy here.