It’s finally here!
The third novel in the Of Cinder and Bone series, Of Dawn and Embers, has a cover, blurb, and a release date. See below.
It’s been six months since Dr. Rhett “Jack” Jackson and Dr. Kamala Anjali had their dragon cloning project shut down by the government. Just when they think they’ve gotten their lives back together, an agency within the government hits them with another suckerpunch: a criminal organization has cloned dozens of dragons in order to hold vicious dragon fighting rings. The government recruits Jack and Kamala to help them track down the organization. Jack and Kamala set out to put a stop to the illegal fights before any more dragons die…or worse, escape.
Release date: July 20, 2019
Add it to your Goodreads TBR shelf and stay tuned for pre-order information, excerpts, and more!