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Of Fury and Fangs Excerpt #3

Cover art by BRose Designz

We have just one month to go before the fourth novel in the Of Cinder and Bone series, Of Fury and Fangs, hits bookshelves! Here’s the final excerpt. As always, spoilers ahead.

Several pounding knocks on the door to her suite awoke Dr. Kamala Anjali from slumber.

The 5’4” scientist groaned into her pillow, but lurched from her bed and shuffled across the carpet to open the door. When she did, she was met with an attractive black man in his thirties. He had a goatee and wore a gun-metal grey Kevlar suit with a helmet tucked under one arm, and he was beaming down at her with excitement.

“We’ve got a live one, doc,” Bruce Calloway told her. “Get dressed.”

Kamala sighed. “Now? I only finished my last analysis four hours ago, Calloway. I’ve just barely gotten any sleep.”

“Oh, I know how to put the pep back in your step.” He leaned in slightly. “It’s a mimic dragon.”

Kamala’s honey-brown eyes widened. “What?”

“Yep. Someone called it in about fifteen minutes ago and dispatch sent word just now.”

“Have any of the hunters caught word of it yet?”

“No. We’re first on the case.”

“I’ll be ready in five,” she promised, and then shut the door. She scurried over to her closet and ripped off her boyfriend’s oversized MIT t-shirt and shimmied out of her shorts in favor of grabbing an armored suit nearly identical to the one Calloway wore. However, hers was much smaller and tailored to fit her curvy frame. She zipped it up and checked that the pouches on her utility belt were all snapped shut before slipping her phone into one, snatching up her helmet, and rushing out the door.

“Where?” she asked Calloway as they hurried down the hallway of the barracks towards the hangar.

“Farm on the city outskirts,” he said, punching in some coordinates in the digital interface built into the forearm of his suit. Kamala’s suit beeped and then she brought up the information he’d transmitted. “Guy went to go check on his herd when he heard an uproar and found the mimic dragon inside munching on a calf. Scared him half to death, so he called it in and holed himself up in the house with a shotgun just in case.”

“Good man,” she said. “I’m glad some of the civilians aren’t trying to go after them on their own. I can’t believe it’s a mimic dragon. They’ve never been seen in North America before.”

“Exactly,” Calloway said as he hit the button for the elevator. “Civvie said that he didn’t want to open fire and cause a stampede, and that after he calmed the cattle, he couldn’t find it again.”

“Incredible,” Kamala said. “Aren’t they the size of a large dog?”

“Or bigger, from what the history books say,” he agreed. “So the chameleon thing must be real. But it begs the question where those clowns even found the DNA to replicate it. Like the arctic dragons, mimics are incredibly rare with less than a hundred ever sighted in the wild before the worldwide extinction.”

“If we get one thing right in this endless mission, I hope we find out just how the Apophis Society is gaining access to those DNA samples,” Kamala growled, watching the numbers on the elevator click up to the launch pad level. “They are insanely well connected. We’ve been keeping tabs on nearly every source of dragon DNA on the planet and yet we’re always one step behind. Did you hear the rumor that some remains of an intact diablo dragon went mysteriously missing?”

“Yeah,” Calloway sighed. “Them’s the breaks. Especially when your evil global organization has access to pretty much all the money you’d ever need to fund your illegal cloning operation. I just pray they haven’t had a successful trial. The diablo dragon’s the second deadliest species on Earth and we’ve already got out work cut out for us.”

The elevators opened onto the roof of an enormous hangar. It was the wee hours, so there was only one helicopter on a designated pad with its console lit up. Spotlights bounced off its polished steel and illuminated the white emblem on the side that depicted a heater shield with the initials K.D. upon it.

Calloway and Kamala climbed inside to find the pilot waiting. He was tall, olive-skinned, and mid-thirties with a thick beard and a winsome smile he aimed at his teammates as they boarded.

Calloway gave him a grin and a fist-bump. “Yousef, my man. Who did they drag you out from under to come fly us out?”

The pilot laughed. “Shit, they offered me time-and-a-half so I told her I’d buy her breakfast when I got back.”

Calloway shook his head. “Incorrigible. Got your coordinates already?”

“Hell yeah. Let’s kick the tires and light the fires, kiddies.”

Calloway and Kamala strapped in while Yousef did the pre-flight check and made sure their gear had already been loaded as well, and then the helicopter took off into the night sky.

“When’s the last time you checked the feed for any hunters in the area?” Kamala asked over the roar of the helicopter rotors.

“About fifteen minutes ago,” Calloway said. “It’s quiet so far, but we both know that doesn’t mean shit since any pissant can give it a go these days.”

“Tell me about it. I will never understand why they endanger themselves for money and the pretense of fame.”

“That’s because you’re a grownup, doc,” Calloway snorted. “Most of these ‘hunters’ are kids. Either adrenaline junkies or rich little Youtubers trying to increase their follower count. Until we get the legislation in place, it’s a damned free-for-all.”

“As if our job isn’t hard enough. You’d think the death toll would dissuade them by now.”

Calloway shrugged a shoulder. “Get rich or die trying. Emphasis on the die part.”

Kamala shook her head. “Every morning, I pray that this world returns to some form of sanity before my daughter is old enough to have to participate in society.”

Calloway gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Who are you kidding, doc? The world was never sane to begin with.”

She gave him a regretful smile in return. “Touché.”

The ride wasn’t terribly long–just under fifteen minutes, and mid-April meant a cool night in the Midwest. They came up on a mid-sized farm with plenty of open acres, its grass and forests already green from the beginning of spring. Yousef found a flat stretch in the field to touch down and they climbed out. Calloway strapped a net launcher across his back and Kamala activated her dragon tracker as they approached the barn.

“Shit,” she muttered as she examined the interface. “The interference with the cattle is pretty bad. It’s throwing off the readings. Plus, they’re almost in a frenzy. We’ve got to get it out of there before they all go berserk.”

“Roger that,” Calloway said as he tugged his helmet on and slid the launcher around to his hands. “What are you thinking?”

“Strobe lights,” she said. “The noise of the cattle is too loud to try an audible distraction, but it’s probably dark in there and it’ll be attracted to light. I’ll be the bait. Just be ready.”

“Yes ma’am.” He offered his fist. She bumped it and then took a deep breath before continuing forward on her own.

The farmer had left the barn’s side door unlocked for them, so Kamala carefully pushed it open to reveal the large space with its dirt floors and iron bars where the cows were corralled daily to be kept at night. By now, she’d gotten used to the stench of the livestock; after all, the smell pervaded the air for miles and she’d gotten a whiff as soon as they left the helicopter.

The cows shifted and mooed in protest with nervous energy, their eyes glowing from the few spotlights in the ceiling. It was almost completely dark inside and the constant shifting of the frightened cattle made it difficult to concentrate, but she managed as she shut the door behind her.

The iron bars that held the animals were securely posted in the ground, but she knew if all the animals panicked at once, they could trample them or bend them out of shape. She walked forward slowly with a small, military-grade flashlight in one hand and her tranquilizer gun in the other. She had hoped the cattle had grouped together in one spot to avoid the predator, but they were scattered throughout the enclosure and seemed just as confused as she was of its whereabouts. The stench of gore and spilled guts reached her and she glanced to her right to see the corpse of the calf the dragon had already devoured. Most of its internal organs were gone, leaving a pool of blood and torn fur behind. She suppressed a shudder and slid into the pen to examine the area.

She checked the claw marks in the dirt and glanced up to see that one of the skylights had been shattered. The dragon had dropped down from above much like an eagle scooping up prey and had killed the calf on the spot. The cattle had run to the other side of the pen to avoid being mauled as well, and currently were bumping into each other to stay away from the fresh kill. She spotted a trail of blood leading away from the corpse and squinted at the cattle. A few of them had scratch marks on their pelts. The dragon had likely gotten spooked by them, or by the farmer when he entered the barn to check on the noise, and would have attacked in self-defense.

Kamala lifted her flashlight to the walls of the barn, going slowly, and checking it against the dragon tracker built into her suit. She didn’t see anything on the ceiling or on the walls. There was a chance it had left the barn again, but her gut told her otherwise. She continued towards the cattle and checked among them for anything unusual, but she didn’t spot the dragon trying to hide among their ranks. With a frustrated sigh, she turned to head back to the door.

Then, her tracker beeped.

There, not three feet from the shredded calf, lay what she had thought was a pile of hay and dirt. The heads-up display in her helmet switched to a different field of vision to reveal that it had been the mimic dragon in camouflage the entire time.

Kamala froze and swallowed hard. “Maa ki aankh.”

And just as she recognized it, the dragon opened one grey eye and stared directly at her.

“Calloway,” she whispered. “I’ve spotted it.”

“Atta girl,” he said over the comm-link. “Are you coming out of the side door or do you think it’s going to make a break for it out of the skylight?”

“Not sure,” she replied. “No scarring. Based on its lack of aggression, it may never have interacted with anyone since it was cloned. We know there are different sites out there, not just the ones planted by the yakuza and the Apophis Society. Did the farmer say it tried to attack him?”

“No. It gave him a warning, but he’s not hurt at all.”

“Then there is a good chance that it will simply be attracted to the light instead of attacking. I’ll try and get it to come out of the side door.”

“Ten-four, doc.”

Kamala muttered a quick protection prayer before she switched the flashlight from a constant beam to a strobe setting.

The mimic dragon opened both eyes, and its scales changed from the dark brown and light-yellow imitating the dirt and hay to a light green with mottled dark green patterns along its back and down its tail. It was roughly the size of a North American wolf, just as she’d suspected; big enough to be dangerous, but not impossible to catch if one had the know-how. The dragon unfurled from a ball and shook out its wings, staring intently at the flashing light. Calf blood dripped from its fangs and dribbled down its mandible as it walked towards Kamala, its nostrils flaring as it took in her scent.

Behind them, the cattle mooed loudly in fright, and the walls of the barn shook as they tried to pack themselves against the far side. Kamala eased out of the pen and took slow steps backwards. The dragon followed her as if hypnotized. “We’re coming out now, Calloway.”

She pushed the door open with her heel and walked through it backwards, her gaze never leaving the creature as it trailed after her. She needed just a few more feet to give Calloway a clear shot and then they’d be home-free.

Just then, a strange buzzing noise sounded overhead.

Frowning, Kamala glanced up to see a drone appear from over top of the barn. “What the hell?”

Before she could move an inch, the drone shot a blast of glow-in-the-dark ink at the mimic dragon. The reptile snarled and shook out its wings, then leapt into the air after it. The drone flitted away into the night sky like a bat out of hell.

“Shit!” Kamala snarled. “Someone else is out here.”

Calloway swore. “It’s probably leading the dragon to whoever owns that damn droid. Come on!”

They booked it through the field after the fleeing drone and the angry dragon, heading towards a line of trees near the border of the property. Kamala pulled a silver whistle from her utility belt and slid up the visor of her helmet, bringing it to her lips. She blew hard.

The mimic dragon swerved mid-flight and circled around, flying towards them instead with a roar of annoyance.

Calloway skidded to a halt and planted his feet, aiming.

“Down in three…two…one!”

He shot the net launcher. The diamond-wire net deployed, but the dragon spun nimbly out of its path and ploughed right into him at top speed. Calloway and the dragon tumbled backwards in the tall weeds in a heap. The dragon dragged the launcher from his grip and slung it several feet away from him. It turned to one side as Calloway sprang to his feet and cracked its tail at his midsection. Calloway brought up a forearm and blocked the blow before grabbing the dragon’s appendage and latching on. The creature wriggled and snapped its head around towards him, much like a captured gator, but he turned counterclockwise out of the path of its jaws.

Snarling, the reptile’s throat bulged and then it spat a fat glob of venom at his head.

“Shit!” Calloway ducked just in time and heard the weeds behind him sizzling as the acidic substance ate straight through them. “Aren’t you just a charmer?”

“Hang on!” Kamala called as she hurried over, but as she did, the drone zipped past her, missing her by mere inches. Bright flashes lit up the clearing as the drone’s camera snapped photos of the beast. The dragon thrashed angrily and lobbed a mouthful of venom at the drone instead, but it veered to one side and kept taking pictures.

The dragon snapped at Kamala’s heels as she scampered past it and dive-rolled in the tall grass. She snatched up the net launcher when she came up on one knee and shouted, “Calloway, down!”

The other dragon hunter released the dragon’s tail and jumped back just in time. A second net shot out and engulfed the dragon. It yelped and fell in a tangled bundle to the grass.

“It’s alright,” Kamala said soothingly, rolling it onto its belly. “Easy, easy, now.”

She retrieved her tranquilizer gun and measured the dosage carefully before injecting the dragon in a soft spot beneath its jaw. The creature’s wriggling slowed, and then stopped altogether. She checked its pulse and sighed in relief that it was stable.

Then she stood, reached for her flare gun, and shot the hovering drone right out of the sky.

It exploded in a shower of sparks and fell to the ground in a mass of broken metal and glass. She stalked over to it and dug out the camera attached, which still had a little red light indicating that it was recording.

“Whoever this is,” Kamala said, seething. “Do not ever try this again. You are not a dragon hunter. You are a reckless, ridiculous child seeking attention and you nearly endangered my life, my colleague’s life, and the life of this dragon. Cease this madness immediately or we will come after you with the full force of the Knight Division and the U.S. government.”

With that, she threw the camera to the ground and stomped it to cut the feed.

“Well,” Calloway said mildly. “That’s one way to make an impression.”

“I tire of these fools,” Kamala growled as she swept off her helmet and dusted the dirt away. “How many more innocents will die while they play these games?”

“I’m sure a few centuries ago, some folks just like us were asking the same questions,” he said solemnly as he signaled Yousef to fly over to them. “Ain’t nothin’ new under the sun, Kam.”

He nudged her shoulder with his own as he removed his helmet and gave her a reassuring smile. “But we’re still making a difference one dragon at a time.”

“We are, but will it ever be enough to change the tide?”

“Guess we’ll find out together. Good work, doc.”

She smiled back at him. “Good work, Calloway.”

Just then, her cell phone buzzed from inside one of the belt’s pouches. Confused, she withdrew it to find her boyfriend calling. Strange, she thought. It was nearly two a.m. in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“Jack? Honey, what are you doing up so late?”

She heard him exhale shakily into the phone. “I know, baby. There’s…there’s been an accident at the house.”

Kamala’s blood turned to ice in her veins. “Oh God, Jack, are you okay? Is it Naila?”

“She’s fine. We’re both fine, but…I need you to come home. It’s a mess. Everything’s a fucking mess and I need you here.”

“I’ll be there as fast as I can. I swear it.”

“Thanks, angel,” he sighed. “Call me when you land.”

“I will. I love you.”

“I love you more.”

Pre-order Of Fury and Fangs for only 99 cents on Amazon! The price will go up on October 25th, 2020. Don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads To Be Read shelf. Read Excerpt #1 and Excerpt #2. Join me on Facebook for a live reading on release day October 24th. Stay tuned on the She Who Writes Monsters for our blog tour, which kicks off today.

Of Fury and Fangs Excerpt #2

Book cover by BRose Designz

We’re just two months away from the launch of Book Four in the Of Cinder and Bone series, Of Fury and Fangs! Time for another excerpt!

Spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution.

Jack ran a hand through his windswept hair. “Alright. I can set off Thornton’s car alarm. That should draw him and his buddy outside and you can slip in to see if you can film the dragons. Then we split.”

Kamala blew out a long breath to ready herself. “Be careful, my darling.”

He kissed her. “You too.”

Jack crept back the way he came along the wall and around the corner, waiting by the door. He heard the squeal of one of the metal doors to the container opening. “That’s my cue.”

He hunted along the shipping yard until he found a sizeable slab of rock and slipped to the other end of the warehouse. Then he hefted it and chucked it at the hood of Thornton’s Jeep.

The car alarm immediately let out a panicked squawk.

Roughly ten seconds later, Thornton and Joe spilled out of the warehouse, bewildered by the ruckus. Jack hustled around the rear of the building as the men hurried over to the vehicle. Thornton cursed up a storm as he surveyed the dented green hood and spun around, searching for the culprit.

While they were distracted, Kamala slipped inside the open door to the warehouse, staying low, and quickly crept towards the red shipping container with its massive door ajar. Its contents made her stop in her tracks.

There were four large iron cages inside, but two of them were empty. The other two housed a dragon each; the creatures bound in manacles with their jaws clamped shut in muzzles.

The first dragon was brown and so round and bulky that it could have been mistaken for a Grizzly bear. As a matter of fact, she knew that it had, for it was an urso dragon. Its lurching shape had often been mistaken for a bear from far away in the Alaskan woods and any hunter that shot it would find itself in a heap of trouble, for its scales were so thick that they could repel most common types of weaponry. The dragon could also reach a sprint speed of up to twenty-five miles an hour, at which point it could generate enough energy to flip an SUV with ease. Its wings had been clamped with round bands of metal as well. Its yellow eyes flicked open as it heard her approach and it snorted once before settling into its enclosure again, apparently not feeling threatened by her small stature.

It had two dark brown horns on the crown of its head, but one had been snapped in half, which it would regrow. She didn’t see any marks on its scales, but it made sense. It would be quite a contender in the ring of a dragon fight. She did, however, see smudges of ash along its right side and its legs, so she suspected it was still susceptible to fire.

The second dragon had iridescent scales that refracted the bits of sunlight from the warehouse windows. Its scales glittered as if made of quartz and stuck up in random, sharp spikes from head to toe. Two pinpricks of black looked up at her as she stared at it in wonder. She couldn’t help herself. It was her first time seeing a crystal dragon in the flesh. They were rare cave dwelling creatures famous for hoarding gemstones in diamond mines and other underground caverns. Many adventurers of yore would seek them out, but never return, for crystal dragons were among the most violently territorial of their species. Their scales were as rock hard as their namesake, which was why they were one of the first dragons to go extinct; people would obsessively hunt them for their beautiful hides.

Like the urso dragon, she didn’t see any outward injuries. It was clear the dragon fighting rings had gotten more thoughtful with which species they accepted for fights. It was likely both of them had survived quite a few matches with their unique characteristics.

She made sure to record clear footage of both dragons and snapped a few photos as well before she snuck out of the warehouse’s rear door, where she met Jack. Thornton and Joe had aggressively started to search the grounds, so the two hustled out of the yard back to the Volkswagen.

“What did you find?” Jack asked as he snapped on his seatbelt.

“An urso dragon and a crystal dragon.”

“Holy shit,” Jack gaped. “Seriously?”

She handed him her phone and Jack watched the video clips, whistling. “Incredible. And I thought the Knight Division had been able to crack down on the DNA sources lately.”

“Obviously, some of them have slipped through the cracks. If we’re able to get this back to the precinct in time to seize the dragons, I’m sure they’ll produce plenty of relevant data that we need.”

“Definitely,” Jack said as he started up the Beetle. “I’d love to take a look at—”

He abruptly stared past her head through the passenger window and paled. “Oh, shit.”

A second later, the urso dragon that had been sprinting towards them with its head lowered smashed into the side of the Beetle.

The impact threw the car up on two wheels and smashed its roof into the wall of the electrical shed. Glass exploded on Jack’s side of the car and there was a horrible crunching sound of metal and stone and dragon hide. The engine immediately sputtered out and died as the car lurched back onto all four wheels. The side air bags had deployed upon impact, stunning both Jack and Kamala. Ears ringing, Jack peered through the shattered window to spot the attacking dragon, but it wasn’t there any longer. He heard a snort and a throaty bellow and twisted in his seat to see the dragon behind the car, its head lowered as it prepared to ram them again.

“Shit!” Jack tried the engine once, twice. It coughed and protested, but wouldn’t turn over. He cursed again and tried to unhook his seatbelt, but the impact had jammed it. He grabbed Kamala’s shoulder and shook her hard, rousing her from her dazed state. “Hang on!”


The urso dragon barreled into the back of the Beetle and sent them skidding several feet across the gravel. Jack grabbed the steering wheel and tried to twist the tires to keep them from sliding towards the hill into the warehouse yard, but gravity got the better of them. Kamala tried to free herself from the seatbelt as well, but hers was also jammed. Briefly, they spotted Thornton and Joe near the fence, sneering in triumph.

“Why aren’t they shooting at us?” Kamala asked as she tried to wriggle herself free from the seatbelt.

“No need,” Jack gasped out as he did the same. He watched in the askew rearview mirror as the urso dragon prepared for one more lunge. “The dragon’s gonna push us into the river.”

“Sulemaga!” Kamala spat.

Jack yanked on the seat lever and wriggled his arm towards his pants. “I’m trying to reach my pocketknife. I’ll cut us loose. Then we’ll have maybe a minute or two to climb out before the car sinks too deep and we drown.”

The dragon charged them again. “Head down!” Jack yelled, covering his own just before the creature slammed into the vehicle one last time. The car tumbled down the gravel hill and rolled off the side of the embankment into the Charles River.

Pre-order Of Fury and Fangs now for only 99 cents from now until October 24th, 2020. Please remember the price will increase to $4.99 on October 25th. Don’t forget to read the first and third excerpts and add it to your Goodreads shelf.

Join me on release day for a live reading of an all-new chapter as well!

Of Fury and Fangs Excerpt #1

Great news! The pre-order for the fourth novel in the Of Cinder and Bone series, Of Fury and Fangs, is available! In celebration, here’s an exclusive preview for chapter one! Spoilers ahead!

Continue Reading >>

Of Dawn and Embers Excerpt #3

Cover art by BRoseDesignz

We’re just one week from the release of my all-new novel in the Of Cinder and Bone series! So let’s hit you with one final excerpt before it arrives to your digital bookshelves.

Please be warned: this is a minor spoiler for new characters and there is a bit of violence and language.

“Closing in on the compound,” Agent Shannon said as quietly as possible. It wasn’t easy. He could hear the low growling hiss slithering out of the throat of the dragon standing several feet away, hidden in the brush. She hadn’t taken her yellow eyes off him since he’d appeared. He felt her glare like razor wire raking down his skin. Calloway stood to her left, one gloved hand on the dragon’s neck, the other holding a pair of binoculars. 

The building had once been a Home Depot, if the lingering orange paint on the roof was any indication. The empty parking lot had grass poking out between the cracks in the concrete and an overturned cart that had been turned into a nest, perhaps for rodents of some kind. It was in a bad part of town on a long stretch of road in the backwoods, hence why the retail store hadn’t survived in the long run. It sat on a couple acres of land as well, so it had no immediate neighbors and no houses across from it that would notice anything. 

The only thing out of the ordinary was the semi-tractor-trailer parked at the loading dock behind the building.

“Four men,” Calloway said.

“They armed?” Agent Shannon asked as he opened his equipment bag.

“Looks like handguns mostly.”

“Right. Tether the dragon, will ya? Don’t want her breathing down my neck while we get ready.”

“Give her a break already,” Jack said over the comm-link. “If she hasn’t spat venom into your eyeballs by now, you’re safe.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d take a picture and get it blown up to a 24 x 36 print, then frame it on my wall.”

“Guys,” Calloway said as he set the binoculars aside. “Cool it. I know we’re all a bit tense about catching these clowns, but we need to keep focused. Where are we at with SWAT?”

Shannon checked his phone. “ETA twenty minutes. They were running short on staff this morning. We’ll maintain surveillance until they arrive—”

Before he could finish that sentence, the tractor-trailer rattled as a roar bellowed from inside it.

Two of the men came running down the ramp, shouting something at the ones standing at the top of the loading dock. Seconds later, a Highlander dragon came barreling out of the truck bed at full speed. One man had already begun sprinting across the empty parking lot; the other hastily climbed onto the loading dock and screamed for them to close themselves inside the garage. Unfortunately, the other two men got there first and locked the door on him. The dragon flapped its wings and landed on the loading dock. Its long, spiny tail lashed behind it as it crept towards the man, who drew a .9 mm Beretta and took aim at the dragon.

He fired. Both shots ricocheted. One hit the wall. The other hit his right thigh. 

“Shit!” Calloway hissed, grabbing his helmet. “Shannon, we gotta go!”

“Goddammit,” Shannon complained. “I’ll get the net launcher ready. You go.”

“What’s going on?” Kamala demanded.

“Highlander dragon’s loose,” Calloway said as he raced down the grassy hill towards the loading dock. “The crew bailed. He’s got a guy pinned. I’m gonna intercept.”

The man tried to crawl away from the dragon, his injured leg trailing blood in a long smear on the concrete. The dragon clamped its jaws down on his ankle and dragged him back. The man shrieked and kicked at it with his other leg in vain. 

“Highlander dragons react to loud noises,” Kamala said. “See if you can distract it.”

“Hey, Lake Placid, over here!” Calloway shouted. 

The dragon dropped the man’s ankle and snapped its head in Calloway’s direction. The man tried to wriggle out of range, but the dragon hissed and he curled into the fetal position to make himself a smaller target. 

“What else ya got?” Calloway asked.

“Eyes,” Jack said. “Got anything that can blind it?”

“Yeah, a flashbang.” Calloway addressed the man. “Cover your eyes!”

He pulled the pin and flung it towards the dragon. The flash grenade bounced once, twice, and then ignited. The entire parking lot flashed with blinding white light for an instant.

The dragon roared in pain and backed away from Calloway, its head whipping to and fro in panic. Its deadly tail slashed at the air around it in erratic swipes, trying to hit something, anything, now that its vision had gone out. 

“Calloway!” Agent Shannon barked as he approached with the net launcher in his hands. It was about the size of an automatic rifle with a wide, open barrel. He planted his feet and aimed as his partner moved over to one side. 

Just before he could pull the trigger, the door to the abandoned building flung open and the dragon smugglers opened fire.

Agent Shannon cursed and raced for the other corner of the building for cover. Calloway followed him and narrowly escaped the men’s gunfire.

“This is going great so far,” Calloway said, flattening himself against the brick as the shots continued tearing holes in the wall. 

Agent Shannon handed him the net launcher and drew his gun, waiting for a pause in the gunfire. “I’ll try and take them out. If I can’t manage it, I’ll see if I can lead them away from the dragon.”

“Any chance you guys can request a chopper?” Jack asked.

“Wouldn’t do us much good. There isn’t one close enough to make a difference. We’re on our own for now.” 

“I’ve contacted the incoming SWAT team,” Libby said. “They’re hauling ass now, but they’re still ten minutes out even with their sirens going to cut through traffic. Be careful.”

“No worries, little bit,” Calloway said. “We got this. If we can manage to trap it, how the hell am I going to sedate it with scales that thick?”

“Underneath the jaw is a soft spot,” Kamala said. “Inject it there.”

“Gotcha.” He glanced at Agent Shannon as they heard the telltale clicks of the smugglers’ guns going empty. “Ready?”

Shannon nodded. “Follow my lead.”

He gauntleted the Beretta in his fist and whipped around the corner, firing twice. One of the men cried out and hit the ground with a shot to the leg and another in the shoulder. The other one took cover behind the tractor-trailer. The first injured man had managed to wedge himself in a corner away from the snarling, blinded dragon. 

“Listen up,” Shannon said as he pressed up against the other side of the tractor-trailer. “I’m a federal agent. Lower your weapon and come out from around the truck with your hands up. I am authorized to use lethal force if you do not cooperate. If you fire on me or my partner, you will be shot.”

“Federal agent, huh?” the remaining smuggler said, his voice heavy with a New York accent. “Killing you oughta make my rep forever, then.”

“You sure you wanna go down this road, son?”

“Hell yeah.” 

The tires behind Shannon’s legs abruptly punctured and deflated as the man ducked and tried to sneak a shot. Shannon knelt and held still as the truck groaned under the weight of the trailer as it shifted to one side. The smuggler closed in on him, all but emptying the clip in hopes of hitting him through the tire. A bullet grazed Shannon’s shoulder, but he didn’t budge. 

Just as the smuggler got close enough for a point blank shot, Agent Shannon grabbed the man’s wrist and jerked his arms up. He fired a single shot into the man’s temple. Blood splattered against the side of the tractor-trailer and the man crumpled to the concrete.

Agent Shannon kicked the gun away from his twitching fingers just to be safe. “Clear.”

Calloway rounded the corner with the net launcher as Shannon went to subdue the other smuggler with the two gunshot wounds. The dragon still couldn’t see, but he could tell it knew where he was, based on scent and sound. It charged him each time he tried to get a clean shot, snapping its jaws or flicking its tail in his direction, missing him by a few inches. Calloway finally got just far enough away to fire, but then the dragon spread its wings and vaulted into the air.

“Son of a bitch,” Calloway whispered. “This just went from bad to worse.”

Of Dawn and Embers is out July 20th, and don’t forget there’s a Facebook Launch Party you can attend for a chance to win a free paperback copy. Pre-order now for a special price of .99 cents. It will go up to $4.99 on July 21st, so grab while you can.

Of Dawn and Embers Excerpt #2

Cover art by BRoseDesignz

Are you ready for the next excerpt of Book Three in the Of Cinder and Bone series? Here it is! Please be mindful of spoilers for Of Cinder and Bone and Of Blood and Ashes!



“Jack…why is there a dragon in our backyard?”

Dr. Rhett “Jack” Jackson spit out his coffee and gaped at his pregnant girlfriend. “Wait, what?

He pushed his chair out and stumbled to Dr. Kamala Anjali’s side. She had the curtain drawn to one side, her jaw hanging open slightly, her brown eyes wide as they beheld the mythical beast that was calmly sniffing the red snapdragons in her garden. Jack rubbed his eyes with his palms just to be safe, but there was no mistaking it. He ripped the sliding door open and padded out onto the neatly cut grass in his faded grey MIT t-shirt and black pajama bottoms.

“Pete? Is that you?” The scientist asked, of course knowing the creature wouldn’t answer, but he just couldn’t help himself.

The dragon Pete hadn’t changed much since the last time he saw her. She stood at the height of the average horse with long limbs and a muscular, streamlined body covered in leaf-green scales aside from her belly, which was a pale cream. Her wings were folded along the groove of her spine, rustling slightly as she lifted her head as he approached. She blinked large golden eyes at him and her tail lashed in the rose bushes behind her, scattering pale pink petals. Her long, sharp fangs protruded down over her lower jaw, but it was closed; she had a muzzle on. She flared her nostrils as he cautiously extended his hand towards her snout, palm flat. The dragon sniffed it and a soothing set of vibrations filled the air.

“Goddess above,” Kamala whispered as she reached Jack’s side. “It is her.”

The dragon chittered slightly in delight and nuzzled Kamala’s cheek, then blinked in confusion at her protruding belly. Kamala laughed slightly in spite of her puzzlement and rubbed the bumpy crown of the dragon’s head as she sniffed her enormous stomach. “Well, I guess introductions are in order. Pete, meet the baby. Baby, meet Pete.”

“Kam…how the hell is this possible?” Jack asked, pushing one hand into his dark brown hair. “How did she get here? How did she even find us?”

“Excellent questions,” Kamala agreed. “Which we will answer momentarily. First, we need to keep her out of sight before the neighbors start panicking. Do you think we can sneak her into the house?”

“I don’t know,” he said, scanning over their eight-foot wooden fence to see if anyone had spotted them yet. It was still early, barely past seven o’clock in the morning. Cambridge tended to wake up on the early side, as both the MIT and Harvard students and alumni would be flitting about getting ready for the day. “She’s kind of skittish about small spaces. Let’s try to get her into the garage.”

Kamala clucked her tongue. “Come along, Pete.”

She walked back inside and the dragon followed with slow, steady steps, ducking its head beneath the threshold. Pete’s forked tongue darted in and out, testing the air, as she glanced about the two-story house. The den had vaulted ceilings, so she had no trouble standing on all fours. She sniffed the couch as Jack pulled the sliding door shut and tugged the curtains together. He gave the dragon a nudge and she got moving again, following Kamala to the two-car garage. Jack’s trusty old Mazda Protégé and Kamala’s powder blue Volkswagen Beetle were already inside, but it wasn’t too cramped. Kamala led the dragon between the two cars and gently pushed on her shoulders until the creature sat on its hindlegs.

“Did anyone see us?” she asked.

“Not that I noticed, but if she flew in here, there’s got to be somebody who saw her,” Jack said, taking his phone out of his pocket and Googling dragon sightings in the last hour. He noticed quite a few hits; mainly a blurry figure or a short video of a shadow sweeping someone’s backyard. Neither he nor Kamala had any social media accounts, so he had to check to see if dragons were trending, and they were at the moment. Plenty of people were trying to prove or disprove the sightings, but no one had convincing evidence yet.

“I don’t get it. The government shut down our project almost six months ago and seized her as well as our other dragons. How could she possibly have gotten loose?”

“Dunno,” Jack said, pacing between the cars and rubbing the five o’clock shadow he hadn’t shaved off just yet. “Maybe they were transporting her somewhere and she busted out. Does she have any abrasions or injuries?”

Kamala flicked on the overhead light and examined the dragon. “No injuries, but take a look at this.”

Jack stepped next to her and peered at where her fingers rested on the dragon’s neck. He could see one of her scales had been removed, so there was just smooth pale skin beneath it. The species of dragon that Pete was, varanus lacerto, had multiple epidural layers: thick outer scales about the size of a quarter, and then a protective layer of fat over the muscle. Someone had removed the first layer by force, it appeared, and there was a small scar as if she’d been sewn up from an incision.

“Shit,” Jack muttered. “Dollars to donuts that’s where they placed a subcutaneous tracker.”

Kamala shut her eyes for a second. “Which means the bastards are on their way right now.”

“More than likely,” Jack sighed. “Dammit. Ten bucks says they’ll find some way to blame this on the two of us.”

“I’ll take that bet,” she groused, stroking the dragon’s swan-like neck. “That still doesn’t explain how the hell she found us. She’s never been anywhere aside from MIT campus. Is her sense of smell truly powerful enough to locate us from literal miles away?”

“In theory? Yeah, I guess so. She imprinted on us at birth, and dragons’ senses are sharp as hell. Even though we’re indoors, we’ve lived here for a good while, so our scent’s on everything around here by now. Still, this is insane.”

Kamala smiled a bit. “Yes. But in spite of it all, I…missed her.”

Jack rubbed the bumpy scales over Pete’s right eye and listened to her purr. “Yeah. Me too, Kam.”

The doorbell rang.

Jack shut his eyes. “And here comes trouble.”

“I’ll stay with her,” Kamala said. “Make sure they show you a bloody warrant first.”

Jack shuffled back to the door, snorting. “Like that’ll matter.”

He shut the garage door, grabbed his coffee from the dining room table, and then opened the front door.

“Morning, assholes!” Jack said brightly. “What would you like to steal from us this time?”

Two men stood on Jack’s welcome mat. The one on the left was tall, sturdy, and had brunette hair and deep frown lines with a no nonsense expression on his face. He wore sunglasses, a black suit, black tie, a white dress shirt, and polished shoes. The one on the right was slightly shorter, pudgy, and had curly brown hair and a beard. He wore a lab coat over a stained Firefly t-shirt, khakis, and sneakers.

“Climb down off that cross, Dr. Jackson,” the man on the left said, folding his sunglasses and tucking them in the pocket of his suit.

Jack stared at him and then pointedly tilted the mug enough to spill coffee on the man in black’s shoes. “Oops. Clumsy me.”

The man sighed laboriously and shook his feet. “So infantile. You know why we’re here. Where is it?”

“What?” Jack asked innocently. “Oh, your hairline? I think it’s on the back of your head.”

“The dragon,” the man snarled. “Where is the dragon?”

Jack leaned against the doorjamb and purposely slurped his coffee before answering. “Oh, I’m sorry. Have you lost one of our dragons? What a pity. It’s almost like you two chuckleheads and the rest of your department have no idea what you’re doing.”

“It wasn’t my fault,” the pudgy man insisted. “The handler was careless.”

Jack glanced at him. “You’re really not helping your case here, buddy.”

“Dr. Jackson,” the man on the left said through his teeth. “Where. Is. The. Dragon?”

Jack leaned in, pronouncing every word slowly. “Up. Your. Ass.”

The man stared at him with his dead brown eyes for a long moment before smirking. “You know, if you weren’t so high-handed and pretentious, I’d probably like you. Fine. We’ll do this by the book.”

He reached into his suit jacket and withdrew a document, slapping it against Jack’s chest. “Here’s the warrant you’re about to ask for. Not that it matters.”

He jabbed a thumb at the man beside him. “Dr. Whitmore’s got the tracker to prove the asset is within these premises. So scurry along and go get it before I call local P.D. to kick the door down.”

Jack scowled and flipped the document open, again slurping his coffee obnoxiously loud and reading it as slowly as possible. “Well, seems everything’s in order here. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see what I can do about facilitating the evidence of your complete and utter ineptitude.”

“It wasn’t my fault!” Dr. Whitmore whined, but by then, Jack had slammed the door in both their faces.

Jack returned to the garage and handed Kamala the letter. She growled and crumpled it in her small fist. “Four hours. She’s been missing for four hours according to this nonsense. They couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.”

“Agreed,” Jack said. “But this is a fight we can’t win right now. Maybe we can use it later, but we have to turn her over to them.”

“Bastards,” she spat.

“Hey,” Jack said gently, kissing her temple. “Stress levels, remember?”

She exhaled, rubbing the top of her swollen stomach. “Right. Pete won’t go willingly. Find out if they have a tranquilizer first. I’ll administer it so she doesn’t get upset.”

“Will do, angel.”

Jack opened the front door again. “Agent Shannon, I assume you have something that can subdue the dragon.”

“Yes,” he said. “What about it?”

“Mind handing it over? I’m pretty sure she’ll rip your face off if she sees you coming at her with one.”

Agent Shannon lifted a thick eyebrow. “You want me to hand you a tranquilizer gun? So you can knock me out and take the asset and run?”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Actually, I don’t want your big, ugly body on my driveway. You’ll scare my neighbors and cause the property value to plummet.”

Agent Shannon sucked his teeth and glanced at Dr. Whitmore. “Doc?”

“He’s right. The dragon is, uh, rather averse to your presence. It’s imprinted on the two of them and should allow them to inject it.”

The government agent gave Jack a long stare before walking over to the large unmarked truck with a long, metal trailer attached. He unlocked it and pulled out a silver briefcase. He popped it open and withdrew a tranquilizer gun.

“Any funny business,” Agent Shannon said, slapping it into Jack’s hand. “I take you down.”

Jack smiled. “Yeah, because that worked so well last time.”

Agent Shannon sneered. “It was a cheap shot, Jackson. Want to try me again when I’m paying attention?”

“No, I think I’ll just let you live with the shame of knowing a civilian put you on your ass.” Jack slammed the door shut a second time and headed into the garage.

Kamala took the tranquilizer gun and gave it a detailed once over, checking that the dosage looked correct and would subdue the dragon. She sighed and pressed her forehead to the dragon’s, her voice slightly hoarse. “I am so sorry, meri priya. We will save you. I swear it.”

She injected the sedative. The dragon flinched slightly when the tiny needle pierced her skin. The effect was almost immediate. Pete swayed and Jack caught her upper body, lowering her to the ground as gently as he could. A thin green film slid down over her golden eyes and she fell asleep in minutes. She even snored, which they both thought was cute.

Jack heaved another sigh and walked over to the garage door. He hit the switch and the door rumbled and roared as it slid up from the ground. Agent Shannon and Larry were already standing there with an altered version of a hand truck. It was collapsible and about eight feet long and a couple feet wide. Agent Shannon smiled as he spotted Kamala.

“Dr. Anjali,” he said politely. “Don’t you look radiant.”

“Don’t you look smug and unintelligent,” she replied, and then swept back inside the house without another word. He chuckled and helped the chubby scientist load the dragon onto the carrier. They wheeled her up into the trailer and locked it shut. Dr. Whitmore got inside the truck and Agent Shannon slid his aviator sunglasses back onto his face.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Dr. Jackson.”

Jack smiled again. “I hope you step on a Lego. Barefoot.”

Agent Shannon bared his teeth in a grin and climbed inside the truck. He backed out of the driveway slowly and then pulled off into the street. Jack spat the sour taste in his mouth out into the bushes and returned inside.

Kamala stood in the kitchen, furiously stirring a spoon into her chamomile tea. “This is unacceptable.”

“Yep,” Jack agreed, pouring the remainder of his coffee down the drain.

“Who do they think they are? They lose our dragon–they risk her life with their idiotic inability to comprehend her abilities–and then demand that we return her to them without any consequences whatsoever? I have never heard of anything so ridiculous in my life.”

“Yep,” Jack agreed, rinsing out the mug.

“What if someone had gotten hurt, eh? What if some gun-toting moron with a twitchy trigger finger spotted her before she came to us? She could be gone, just like that. Taken from this world through no fault of her own.”

Jack stepped up behind her and slid his arms around her shoulders. Kamala’s stiff spine slowly relaxed against the front of his chest. Her eyes drifted closed as he ran his large hand over her belly in soothing circles. He kissed her ear, his voice low and soft. “I know. And we’re not going to let them get away with this. We’re going to give them hell. We’re not going to give up on the fight until our dragons are back where they belong, safe and sound.”

She shook her head slightly. “You always know just what to say.”

“Hardly,” he said. “You were stirring that tea pretty hard, Dr. Anjali. I just didn’t want you to break my favorite mug.”

Kamala turned in his arms. “Yes, we both know you’re terrified of my superhuman maternal powers. I’ll try not to scare you so much.”

“You kidding me?” he said, lacing his fingers over the small of her back. “I’m counting on them to save us someday. You should be wearing a cape instead of stretch pants.”

She sighed. “Oh, don’t bloody remind me. I went up another size this week. I need to get this blasted child out of me before I become a manatee.”

Jack choked on a laugh. “Stop it. You’re gorgeous no matter what size you are.”

She pursed her lips. “Don’t try to get back on my good side, Dr. Jackson. Remember, it’s all your fault that I’m like this.”

“Oh, lest we forget. The rugrat was conceived the first time we, uh, fondue’d, and I believe you were the one who initiated that.”

Kamala blushed. “Point taken.”

She pressed her forehead against his and sighed. “This sucks.”

“Yes,” he said softly. “It does. But you know what doesn’t suck?”

She glanced up at him. “What?”

Jack leaned in and kissed her gently between words.

“Slow…” Smooch.

“Heartfelt…” Smooch.

“Intimate…” Smooch.

“…oral sex.”

Kamala collapsed into stunned giggles. “You are an idiot, Dr. Jackson.”

“What? I mean, am I wrong?”

Her smile turned a bit wicked. “Not in the slightest. It would be an excellent distraction from the chaotic morning we both just had.”

She eagerly gripped his hand to drag him into their bedroom, but then her cell phone rang. She sighed and answered it with a brisk, dismissive tone. “Yes?”

“Kam,” Faye Worthington’s resigned, annoyed voice said. “I’m in jail.”

Hungry for more? Pre-order Of Dawn and Embers now on Amazon for a special price of only .99c through July 20th! Remember, the price will increase to $4.99 on July 21st, so grab it while you still can!

More to come soon, my darlings!

Of Dawn and Embers Excerpt #1

Cover art by BRoseDesignz

Here’s your first look at my upcoming novel, Of Dawn and Embers (Of Cinder and Bone Book #3)! Remember, spoilers for Of Cinder and Bone and Of Blood and Ashes ahead!

Dragons have no darting tongues,

Teeth saw-edged, nor rattling scales;

No fire issues from their lungs,

No black poison from their tails:

For they are creatures of dark air,

Unsubstantial tossing forms,

Thunderclaps of man’s despair

In mid-whirl of mental storms.

-Excerpt from “Mermaid Dragon Fiend” by Robert Graves



The sky was on fire.

Jack sipped his coffee and stared at the horizon above the line of trees surrounding the property.  An explosion of reds, oranges, and pinks assaulted the heavens, made clearer by the lack of a city skyline or smog. It had been quite a while since he’d seen it. There was some small thing inside him that sighed contently at the sight as a wealth of childhood memories welled up. Stepping out into the crisp air, lacing up his boots, and getting ready for his morning chores. The way the grass and gravel crunched as he walked towards the barn. The cool air sweeping down through the forest and brushing his perpetually messy dark hair off his forehead. Clean living.

“Colder than I thought,” Kamala murmured as she stepped out onto the porch and pulled the front door shut after the screen door swung closed. She had one sleeve in her coat already, so he put the coffee down on the railing and helped her into it.

“Yeah, most mornings here are,” Jack said. “Even in the summer, it’s kind of brisk before the sun wakes up.”

She sipped her chamomile tea and settled next to him, her dark honey eyes scanning the sky as a flock of birds took flight nearby. She watched them wheeling about in perfect sync, some part of her envious of them. The wind picked up for a second, brushing her thick, glossy hair away from her neck and making her shiver slightly. They drank in silence for a time.

“That reminds me,” Kamala said mildly. “Why don’t you have an accent?”

Jack arched an eyebrow. She grinned. “No, I mean it. Greenville, Georgia could definitely be considered the Deep South. I heard some of the locals when we stopped for dinner last night. You don’t have a Southern drawl, Jack.”

He cleared his throat. “I just never really picked it up. Mom’s is pretty mild and she was the one who always read to me as a kid or helped me with my homework. Then by the time I was old enough to watch television and movies, the kind of things I liked didn’t have many Southern characters in them.”

He smiled faintly. “But if it makes you feel better, I can start dropping ‘ain’t’ and ‘y’all’ into our conversations occasionally.”

She snorted. “What’s a y’all?”

“Short for ‘you all.’ It tends to get overused in movies that don’t understand how Southerners act, but we do actually use it. Gone with the Wind really didn’t do us any favors for accurate portrayals, but I guess it didn’t bug my mom not to name me after Clark Gable’s character.”

Kamala shook her head. “I still don’t understand why you detest your first name so much.”

Jack sighed. “It’s just…I don’t know. You grow up with the name of a guy who some consider to be the quintessential Man’s Man character, and I was a skinny little geek all through school. The literal opposite of the guy. Besides, with the benefit of hindsight, the character was pretty problematic and I don’t like to invite the comparison.”

He paused. “Though to be fair, I am problematic as hell. Just maybe not in the same way.”

She watched him from beneath her thick eyelashes, her voice mild as honey. “I’ve seen worse.”

Something in his chest stung. Jack leaned his arms on the railing, holding the mug between his hands to warm them. “Sorry.”

“You’ve apologized a thousand times since it happened, you know.”

“Only a thousand?” he said, chuckling bitterly. “I’m behind in my numbers.”

Kamala watched him for another long moment and then reached out. She slipped her fingers into his hair and brushed them along his scalp, smoothing the messy locks away from his forehead. He shut his eyes and breathed in the scent of her daffodil perfume. She smelled like home to him.

The front door opened again. Richard Jackson stepped out, blinking in surprise as he pulled his Braves cap down over his forehead. “Morning, you two. You’re up early.”

Kamala faced him, smiling. “Rhett told me a sunrise down here isn’t something to miss.”

“He’s right about that,” Richard agreed. “I was just about to get started feeding the sheep. Care to join me?”

Jack turned and gave his father a look. “Really? You’re gonna put your guests to work?”

“Guest,” Richard corrected with a smirk. “I was talking to you, young man, not the lady.”

Kamala giggled. “Actually, Mr. Jackson, that sounds lovely. I’ve always been curious about your profession and I’d love to see the process.”

Richard nodded. “Be happy to show you. Rhett, since you’re a guest, why don’t you help your mother cook breakfast?”

“Will do. Play nice, Dad.” Jack kissed Kamala’s cheek and stepped back inside. Richard offered his arm and Kamala smiled wider as she took it and followed him across the yard.

Jack stepped into the foyer and shut the door. He walked around the corner through the den and the fluffy Maremma lying in front of the fireplace perked his head up and wagged his tail eagerly. A few years ago, D’artagnan would have raced to the door and mobbed his owner with doggy kisses, but he was coming up on fifteen years old. He was no less enthusiastic when Jack got in range of his affections. Jack chuckled and knelt for a moment, scratching the dog’s ears and letting it lick his chin. “Calm down, old man, before you break a hip.”

Dart barked happily and trailed after Jack as he headed into the kitchen.

Edith Jackson had her back to him as she stood over the island counter, carefully laying strips of bacon into a rectangular metal pan. Jack kissed her cheek and washed his hands, then walked over to the far counter, squatting as he grabbed a large silver pot. He filled it with water and set it on the stove, flicking the gas on to get it boiling. He grabbed the bag of grits from the pantry and sat it next to the stove, then set about finding a pan for the biscuits.

“Where’s Kamala?” Edie asked.

“Went out to see the sheep with Dad,” Jack replied, pulling the can of biscuits from the fridge. He eyed it warily as he peeled off the outer wrapping and gave the end a cautionary tap. It popped and he jumped a bit, sighing. “That scares the bejeezus out of me every time.”

Edie smiled as she went to wash her hands. “Been doing that since you were a kid.”

“Can you blame me?” he groused, peeling the dough away from the can. “It’s too early in the morning for surprises like that.”

He popped the biscuits in the oven. Edie nodded towards the grits. “Is all this going to be filling enough for her? I can make some hashbrowns too.”

“No, she’s not a big eater. She’s got the cinnamon toast, the grits, the biscuits, and tea. She’ll be good to go.”

Edie’s hazel eyes flashed playfully. “My son, in love with a vegetarian. What is the world coming to?”

“Trust me, it caught me off-guard too.”

“You never told me how it went when you told her.”

Jack blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh.”

Edie pursed her lips. “Uh-oh. What? Did you pick an inopportune moment?”

He coughed slightly. “You could say that.”

Edie shook her head and grabbed a Teflon pan. “My son, the lady killer.”

“Hey, we can’t all be as smooth as Clark Gable.”

“Having good timing isn’t the same as being smooth, kiddo. Was it at least a memorable time?”

Jack winced. “You could also say that.”

Edie eyed her son. “You did it while you were in mortal peril, didn’t you?”


Edie sighed. “Come help me cut the fruit, you hopeless case.”

Roughly half an hour later, the four of them sat at the dining room table, their breakfast finished, the conversation light and pleasant as it had always been. Once it lapsed into a natural, comfortable silence, Kamala slipped her hand under the table and gently took Jack’s hand, squeezing it. He took a deep breath to stabilize himself before he spoke.

“Thanks for breakfast, guys,” Jack said. “And thanks for having us over and welcoming Kamala. I really want her to get to know you two.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” Edie said. “She’s absolutely wonderful and we adore having her around.”

“Good,” Jack said, smiling weakly. “Because we have some news for you.”

Kamala also took a deep breath, willing her voice not to waver. “I’m pregnant.”

Thick, suffocating, awkward silence fell.

“Holy hell,” Richard whispered, his eyes wide. He ran his hand down his face and cupped his chin, glancing between them both in shock.

Edie didn’t move for a moment or two. Then she crossed her arms and all emotion wiped itself from her features. “How many months?”

“Almost two,” Kamala answered.

Edie flicked her unnervingly blank gaze over at Jack. “Then I take it this wasn’t planned?”

“Let’s call it a happy accident,” Jack said.

“That’s one word for it,” Richard said, licking his lips. “Well, congratulations. But you both understand what a sucker-punch this is, right?”

Jack snorted. “How do you think we felt?”

“And what’s your plan?” Edie asked quietly. “Are you going to get married? Are you going to move in together? Have you started saving for the hospital bills and day care and college?”

“Ma,” Jack said, his tone soft. “Don’t do this. We didn’t come here to start a fight.”

“You didn’t come here to start a fight?” Edie repeated. She pushed up from the chair and Richard rose with her, murmuring her name and touching her arm. “First, you run off to Tokyo to steal your dragon back from the yakuza. Then you storm off into a haunted forest to bring back a dragon the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, nearly getting yourself killed in the process, as well as Kamala. Now you tell me you’re about to bring a child into this world when you’re unmarried and you’ve only been dating each other for barely over two months?”

She turned away for a moment, a bitter chuckle in her voice. “Exactly what response did you think you were going to get, Rhett? Please, I’m genuinely interested to know.”

“Not far off from what I got,” Jack said. “But I love you and Dad and you needed to know. What you do with the information is up to you. I can’t stop you from being any angrier than you’ve already been since this all started.”

“I’m not angry,” Edie said sharply. “I’m disappointed. I never doubted that you would fall in love and start a family someday, but I didn’t think you’d do it in the middle of the most chaotic part of your entire life. There are people out there looking for you, for both of you, who want to hurt you. Now you’re bringing my grandchild into that equation.”

“Edie,” Richard said. “They didn’t come here so you could be their judge and jury. You know as well as I do that they’re not taking this lightly. Rhett’s not a little boy anymore. The best we can do is stand by him.”

“Stand by him, huh?” Edie spat. “That’s the tune you’re playing now, is it, Rick? Like you didn’t break my son’s arm and lie to my face about it for ten damned years.”

Richard clenched his jaw. “Yeah, I did that. I can’t take it back. I’m an ass and a shitty father for making him lie to you too. All I can do is try to make up for it by supporting these two when they need me. They need us, Edie. That’s the only way we all get through this. Together.”

“Yeah,” she said. “Because you know what’s best for our family.”

Edie turned and walked out, the screen porch door slamming shut behind her.

Of Dawn and Embers is already available for pre-order at a special price of .99 cents! Don’t miss out on this debut sale, as the price will increase to $4.99 on July 21st, 2019. Don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads To Be Read shelf as well.

Of Dawn and Embers hits digital bookshelves July 20, 2019.
Stay tuned for more exclusive content in the coming weeks.

An Excerpt from “My Dinner with Vlad” – A Short Story from the Terminus anthology

Meet Cassandra Moody–a beautiful, graceful, snarky ass werewolf who has to entertain the Father of all vampires, Vlad Tepes, in the city of Atlanta for a night.

It was difficult to describe the way it felt when I changed. It didn’t hurt…but it didn’t not hurt. I’d once told a friend that it was like peeling off a fingernail where most of the skin wasn’t attached and so you didn’t bleed. My muscles shifted around. My bones popped and cracked as they rearranged into the lithe, streamlined form of a wolf that stood perhaps half a foot taller and several pounds heavier than a real one. When I was within the city limits, I always went with my full wolf form. I could switch to a form between the two that was bipedal—the kind that normal people wrote into movies like Van Helsing or the Benicio del Toro remake—but if anyone caught sight of me, that would be that. Supernatural folks stayed under the radar, if only because humans are ruled by fear and panic, and to know that a cute black girl could turn into something that could tear them apart in just the blink of an eye would induce instantly genocide on our kind.

My fur was dark-brown, matching the color of my skin, and my mane had black streaks running through it and along my spine, ending in a tuft at my tail. A shudder spilled through me once the transformation was done and I shook out my fur, getting used to the change in senses. I could smell who had been in this alley within the last four days. I could hear the kids playing basketball four blocks away. I could taste the vile air coming off the dumpster nearby. I could see through the veil of darkness draped over the city as if it were broad daylight.

Being a wolf is where it’s at, man.

Vlad turned around and smiled warmly at me. “Such a pretty thing. I’d forgotten.”

I rolled my-now-golden eyes and he chuckled before following my lead. He turned away and rid himself of the boxer shorts.

Vlad’s transformation was smoother and faster than my own. He just sort of…melted into a puddle of dark mass and then reformed into a black-furred wolf slightly taller than me, but not as bulky with muscle, with startling arctic blue eyes. He walked over and sniffed me a bit, then nuzzled me, his shoulder bumping mine playfully. I heard his voice in my head as clear as day even though his fanged jaws never moved.

Where are we off to, my dear?

Follow me, I replied. Stay close. People are jumpy around this area and you don’t want someone to pop a cap in your furry ass.

He laughed in my head as I broke into a sprint further down the alley.

Midtown Atlanta’s nightlife was delightful. I loved it. Music pounded through the buildings, whether just a private citizen jamming in their little studio apartment or a live band a local dive bar getting it in for the night. I could smell every dish from fine dining restaurants wafting out through their front doors as new customers walked in. I could hear people on their first dates walking towards their cars, laughing nervously and flirting. I could see the cars rushing back and forth over the pot-holes, honking and screeching and filling the air with noise.

Life. That was what I liked about Atlanta. Life happened. It never slept.

Want to read the whole short story? Grab a copy of Terminus: a short story anthology by the bestselling authors of Atlanta! Buy it here.

Of Blood and Ashes Chapter 1 Excerpt

Cover by Marginean Anca

You read that right! Here’s an exclusive preview to my upcoming novel, Of Blood and Ashes, the sequel to Of Cinder and Bone. Naturally, massive spoilers for Of Cinder and Bone. You have been warned.

The world’s deadliest dragon, the infamous Baba Yaga, is loose on the streets of Tokyo.

Dr. Rhett “Jack” Jackson and Dr. Kamala Anjali have been tasked with helping the government take down a dragon the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex after it sends part of the city up in flames. Things worsen when they lose track of dragon in none other than Aokigahara, the Suicide Forest–a section of woods in Japan that is rumored to be one of the most haunted places on earth. They’ve also got the yakuza who cloned the dragon hellbent on getting her back, and they don’t care who they kill in order to re-capture the dragon.

Jack and Kamala are joined by CIA field agent William Fry and dragon-hunting expert Juniper Snow as they infiltrate the forest to hunt the dragon before she can hurt anyone else. Between the ruthless yakuza hot on their trail and the growing mistrust in their small hunting party, it will take a miracle for Jack and Kamala to make it out alive…

Of Blood and Ashes is available for pre-order exclusively in the Sirens and Scales boxed set. The release date is January 2, 2018. Click here to pre-order it on any platform you like.

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Back to Black Chapter 1 (Excerpt)

Cover art by Marginean Anca of Brose Designz

Guess what? The all-new Black Parade novella Back to Black is out in just one month! Time to get you all frothing at the mouth for it, so here’s Chapter One. Please remember: if you haven’t read The Black Parade, She Who Fights Monsters, and The Holy Dark, you will run into spoilers here. Back to Black takes place between She Who Fights Monsters and The Holy Dark: the second and third novels in the series. With that in mind, please enjoy. Purchase info below the cut.

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Of Cinder and Bone Excerpt

Cover art by Agata Broncel

Cover art by Agata Broncel

We’re only a month away from the release of my new sci-fi novel, Of Cinder and Bone. Ready for a taste? Here’s Chapter 1.

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