Good news, everyone! I submitted Of Cinder and Bone to Hugh Howey’s inaugural Self-Published Science Fiction Competition and made it through the very first round of selected novels! Yay!

Here’s where you can learn more about it. In short, the contest is Top 300 -> Top 100 -> Top 30 -> Top 10 -> Top 3 -> 1 winner. Fingers crossed that the editors like it and it makes it to the next round. If not, it’s still an honor to have been chosen for this awesome competition. I still get to use it as bragging rights, after all. Stay tuned for more (hopefully)!
Update 12/11/2021: Well, the good news is Of Cinder and Bone made it through another round of cuts. It made it from the Top 300 to the Top 100. I also received a glowing full review as a result. Thanks for rooting for me, guys!
Update 12/14/2021: I also got another excellent full review from another one of the judges on the Red Star Reviews team. Check it out!
Update 1/28/2022: Amazingly, impossibly, Of Cinder and Bone was chosen for the Top 30 picks from the Top 100 list for the contest. Check out the graphic below of all the semi-finalists!

Update: 5/4/22: Well, it’s all over but the crying. The score for the semi-finalist round is so low I won’t dignify it by posting it here, but it’s been a privilege to even be chosen to participate in this competition. I met some lovely people and got some good blurbs from Team RedStarReviews. Congratulations to those who will be continuing on. Best of luck and I hope the judges read your books more fairly moving forward.
But I do get to use this for bragging rights from now on.