When life gets too normal, sometimes you gotta go to the Outer Dark.
So, funny story, one of the wonderful authors set to attend this awesome symposium showcasing the weird and dark corners of speculative fiction and horror had an unexpected cancellation, and so a fellow author asked me to step in, and that’s how I came to be a panelist and guest at the Outer Dark Symposium. These wonderful folks have been around for a while and have various media to offer like a podcast and group of authors who love the wild ways of horror and spec-fic. I was on the spec-fic panel with some of my colleagues like Milton Davis, Balogun Ojetade, and Gerald Coleman, as well as some fresh faces. I also did a live dramatic reading of my novella Back to Black, which I’ll be sure to post once it’s fully edited and uploaded. It was a lot of fun meeting the members of the group and sharing experiences and just chatting about all the weird stuff we love, particularly the diverse aspects of fiction writing.

For now, enjoy some pics!
Update: If you’re interested in taking a listen, two episodes featuring me have been posted. Part I has my panel and Part II has my dramatic reading of my novella, Back to Black, starting at time stamp 50:38.